
Meet the Manitoba Section instructors.

Evelyn Lightly

Evelyn graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor’s degree in Medical  Rehabilitation in 1983, and completed a Masters in Clinical Science from the University of Western Ontario in  2011.

She is FCAMPT certified, having pursued post-graduate education courses in Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy and is an Instructor and National Examiner within that system. Certified in Acupuncture, she is also an External Examiner for the Art and Science post-graduate course.

She currently is the  Examinations Chair of the Education Committee, National Orthopaedic Division.

Continuing education has occurred in the areas of Acupuncture, Myofascial Release, and Concussion Management.

Currently a part-time sessional instructor in the Masters of Physical therapy program at the University of Manitoba, she has returned to clinical practice after leaving an owner/partner position at St Vital Physiotherapy.

Joanne Carswell

Joanne Carswell began her education at the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Physical Education following that she completed her Bachelor of Medical Rehabilitation – Physical Therapy. In 2001 Joanne completed her Advanced Orthopaedic Exam through the National Orthopaedic Division. In 2011 she completed a Masters of Clinical Science through Western University in London Ontario. Joanne is the owner of Vista Place Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic and St. Vital Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre. Joanne is accredited to do acupuncture through the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada and has taken Golkavi Transverse Technique Dry Needling for myofascial pain. She is an instructor and an examiner for the National Orthopaedic Division for postgraduate physiotherapy courses and an assistant professor at the University of Manitoba School of Medical Rehabilitation. She believes in an active approach with her clients and uses a combination of manipulation, myofascial release, exercise and education to give them the knowledge to prevent further injuries and learn selfcare. As part of Joanne’s interest in injury prevention and management she has taken extensive training in concussion assessment and management. In conjunction with this Joanne has taken the weeklong Emory Institute Vestibular Competency Course and has been doing vestibular assessment and treatment.

Roland Lavallee

Roland is a licensed bilingual Métis physiotherapist in Manitoba. (BMRPT 1983 – University of Manitoba) (MClSc Western University2010). In 1989 he earned his FCAMPT and has been an Examiner since 2005 and in the summer of 2017 was appointed as a Lead Examiner.

Roland est un physiothéraupeute Métis bilinque. Académique: Baccalauréat en réadaptation médicale (BMRPT) Université du Manitoba 1983 et Maîtrise (M.Sc.Cl.) Université Western (2010). FCAMPT 1989 – Examinateur 2005 et appointé Examinateur leader en 2017.

Terry Woodard

Graduated from the University of Manitoba (U of M) in 1989 with a Bachelor of Science and in 1993 with a Bachelor of Medical Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy). Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physical Therapists (FCAMPT) since the completion of his Diploma of Advanced Manual and Manipulative Physiotherapy with credit in 2004. Obtained his MClSc (Manipulation) at Western University (WU) in 2014. 

Works in private practice at D’Arcy Bain Physiotherapy clinic in Winnipeg and holds part time teaching positions at the U of M and WU. Co-founder of ReynWood Physiotherapy Consulting, mentor, instructor and examiner in the CPA Orthopaedic Division (AIM) level system. Terry has received grant funding from CAMPT and Mb Branch CPA to enhance manual therapy education at the U of M.  

Recipient of the Manitoba Branch CPA, Leonore Saunders Mentoring Award in 2013 and teaching recognition at both U of M and WU. Actively involved in the mentoring of motivated physiotherapy students and graduate physiotherapists who are working through the level system or WU MClSc program.